July 17, 2021

Veterinarians work hard every day to care for family pets. In addition to their already full schedules, they often also provide free or discounted services to animal shelters and rescue groups. Their love for animals brings long, hard days, and is often accompanied by the heartbreak over helping families say goodbye to their beloved fur babies. It’s a rewarding career, but also a difficult one.
While it is always a good time to tell a veterinarian thank you, World Veterinary Day (on the last Saturday of April every year) is the official day to let veterinarians know they are appreciated for all the hard work they put into keeping pets safe and healthy.
What is World Veterinary Day?
In 2000, the World Veterinary Association (WVA) established the last Saturday in April as “World Veterinary Day,” a day to honor members of the veterinary field. Founded in 1959, the WVA honors members across the globe who subscribe to the organization’s mission: “to provide global leadership for the veterinary profession and promote animal health and welfare and public health, through advocacy, education, and partnership.”
Why Is World Veterinary Day Important?
On World Veterinary Day, the WVA recognizes a specific member of the field with a cash award for making strides towards improving veterinary care in the area of the year’s theme. The 2021 theme is “veterinarian response to the COVID-19 crisis.”
Over the past year, COVID-19 changed the way veterinarians had to do business. New protocols required patients to stay in their vehicles while veterinary staff took pets into their offices for treatment. With these new procedures in place, it became even more important that veterinarians made people’s dogs, cats, and other animals feel as safe and loved as possible.
Five Ways to Say Thank You on World Veterinary Day
World Veterinary Day presents the perfect opportunity for pet owners to provide a simple but heartfelt thank you to their veterinarian. Here are five easy ways to let veterinarians know they are valued for the hard work they do:
Donate to the vet’s relief funds. Many veterinarian offices have a special fund set aside to help families with expensive pet emergencies that they cannot afford, or to provide services to a stray in need. A donation of any size will be appreciated, and just may save an animal’s life. In addition to money, veterinarian offices may have a list of items they need, such as used towels or blankets that can help comfort a pet following surgery. A simple phone call to the office can help you know of their needs.
Leave a positive review. When someone is looking for a new veterinarian, online reviews can make or break the decision. Take a moment to leave a positive review on Facebook, Yelp, Google, and other popular review sites. Be specific when explaining what is great about the veterinarian office.
Post a “thank you” video or picture on social media. Not only will this brighten a veterinarian’s day, it may lead others to do the same. Be sure to include photos or videos of the animals the veterinarian has helped.
Bring them lunch or snacks. With the new COVID-19 rules, veterinarian offices are often booked for weeks, and working longer hours than ever. A nice pick-me-up can brighten the entire office’s day.
Send a thank you card. In today’s digital age, a hand-sent card means more than ever. While store-bought cards will be appreciated, don’t underestimate the value of a hand-made card. Drawings from children or paw prints from pets may even become artwork on the veterinarian office’s walls.
While World Veterinary Day comes just once a year, it doesn’t have to be the only day to show them appreciation. Arriving to appointments on time and following a vet’s guidance is always a respectful way to thank them for their hard work. If the veterinarian appointment is running late, remaining patient, and saying thank you at the end of the appointment goes a long way.
https://www.avma.org/javma-news/2021-04-01/world-veterinary-day-2021-focuses-veterinarian-response-covid-19-crisis. AVMA. April 2021.
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/veterinarians.html. Centers for Disease Control. August 2020.